

How to Stay Organized with Multifunction Copiers

When you bought your multifunction copier, you knew that it combined print, copy, fax, and scan features--but did you know that your multifunction copier can also help you stay organized? It's true--and today, we'll prove it. Don't Copiers Add to Clutter? Well, the answer is sometimes--but only if you let things get out of hand. The truth is that, although the job of multifunction copiers is to make more paper for you to keep track of, you can [...]

Copier Dealer Wisdom: Understanding Copier Lifespans

Being a copier owner means you've got a lot of responsibility. You have to make sure the copier is secure, efficient, and well-maintained, and you've always got to give it the right combination of consumables to ensure that it's working well. However, perhaps your most important job as a copier owner is knowing when it's time to get rid of an old machine. That's why we're sharing some copier dealer wisdom about the lifespan of your copier! [...]

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How to Put Your Printers to Work For You

Do you ever have days where it feels like you work for your printers? Although printers do need a little bit of care and regular maintenance, they shouldn't be adding stress to your workplace. Here are a few ways to start putting your printers to work for you and achieving higher levels of security and efficiency! An Orderly Fleet No matter what your printer fleet looks like, from the humblest single-function machines to the most [...]

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What to Remember About Managed Print

In today's day and age, information is so readily available that it's easy to forget the important stuff. This is especially true when it comes to researching business solutions like managed print. That's why we've compiled a list of the most important things to remember about managed print, so that you can focus on the takeaways that are going to impact your company the most. Let's get started! The Important Stuff There are so many [...]

Multifunction Copiers: the Truth About Repairs

Technology is infamous for failing just when you need it the most. Luckily, multifunction copiers don't often leave you stranded--but when they start needing repairs more and more often, it's time to ask yourself whether it's "worth it." Today, we'll explain the truth about repairs and help you make the final decision. Repairing Multifunction Copiers The good news about multifunction copiers is that, with regular maintenance and careful care, these machines will generally last a long time. [...]

Why Are Good Copier Dealers so Important?

There's a lot to consider when it comes to the ideal copier environment, but one thing that many companies overlook is the type of dealer they use. Copier dealers can make or break your success in lots of ways--but what makes them so important? Let's find out! Start at the Copier To understand why copier dealers are such a critical part of your company's success, we need to start with the copiers themselves. Copying likely still plays [...]

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Printing Hacks: Automatic Meter Reads for Printers

Printing is a crucial part of your business, but it shouldn't be all about saving time, money, and energy. In order to successfully manage your printer fleet and remain effective, efficient, and productive, you need to rely on one thing: precision. That's exactly what you'll get when you automate meter reads for your printers--and today, we'll explain why. Don't Skip the Meter Reads When it comes to office equipment like printers, copiers, and scanners, you can't always [...]

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How to Choose The Perfect Managed Print Provider

How do you choose the perfect managed print provider? It's not always easy, especially when there are so many variables to consider--but luckily, there are a few tips that can make the process a whole lot easier. Let's take a look! Getting Started The first and most important step in choosing a managed print provider is understanding your own needs and goals. Your business is unique, and you're the one who knows it best--so, before you can [...]

TLC for Your Multifunction Copiers

Taking care of your multifunction copiers isn't just smart--it's also the best way to make sure that these hardworking machines will stay efficient and trustworthy for years to come. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know just what the machine needs--so here are a few copier care tips you can try out today! Protecting Your Multifunction Copier Multifunction copiers have become a critical part of countless businesses. They help communications run smoothly, improve customer service, help [...]

Copier Dealer Tips: Navigating a Lease

In general, copier dealers should be on your side. They want you to succeed so they can succeed--but they also rely on leases to do their business, and, of course, the language of a copier lease can be infamously tricky. That's why we're bringing you a few quick tips to help navigate your lease and work more efficiently with your copier dealer! The Right Call Leasing your company's copiers is "the right call" for so many reasons. It allows [...]

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