

The 3 Types of Document Archiving for Your Law Firm

Document archiving can be an effective, efficient, and powerful tool in your law firm--but only if you have all the information you need. Here's a quick look at the three main types of document archiving and what makes each one unique! Why Archive? Before we learn any more about document archiving, it's important to address one question: is it worth it? The simple answer is yes. Document archiving helps you keep your data right where it needs to be. [...]

Document Scanning for Healthcare: In-House or Outsourced?

Document scanning is one of the simpler solutions available for the healthcare industry, but that doesn't mean it's "one size fits all." You still have a lot of options and plenty of control--like, for example, deciding whether you'll scan in-house or outsource the whole job. Today, we're here to help make that choice a little bit easier. Savvy Scanning Here's the truth: no matter how you do it, document scanning is definitely worth your time. It's the first [...]

What You Need to Know About Document Archiving

What is document archiving, why is it important, and what makes it different from document backup? Today we're here to answer all the questions you have about document archiving, so you feel confident getting started. The Basics If you've been hesitating to implement document archiving solutions because you aren't entirely clear on the basics, good work. Starting a job before you know how to do it is a recipe for disaster. Luckily, it's not difficult to learn [...]

What Makes a Good Vulnerability Scan?

Document scanning itself isn't a complicated process; it just takes a little bit of work. What comes after, though, tends to throw companies a curve-ball. Now that your files are scanned and neatly organized, you need to make sure they're completely safe--and that's where the next step begins: a vulnerability scan. Changing Your Perspective Vulnerability scans tend to be a bit confusing and maybe even a little stressful, but that's only because they're not treated as one [...]

Document Archiving the Right Way

  Like with most things, there's a "right way" to do document archiving--but there are also several wrong ways. To help you avoid those pitfalls and make the most of document archiving, let's take a look at three fictional companies that didn't quite make the grade. How Not to Archive The truth about document archiving is that it can be a simple, pain-free task--but it's not the task itself that tends to trip people up. It's the preparation. Here are [...]

Protect Digital Files with Vulnerability Scans

  Document scanning is a quick, simple, and painless way to simultaneously address all kinds of office pains, from inefficiency to wasted money--but that's just the first step toward a stronger office. Next, you need to keep those newly-scanned files safe and secure, and the best way to do that is with a complete vulnerability scan. What is a Vulnerability Scan? If you've already done the hard work of document scanning--which isn't that hard at all--then [...]

Document Drama: Archiving vs. Backups

There are a lot of technical terms in the business world, and let's be honest--you probably don't need to memorize every single one. However, when it comes to your documents, there are some terms you'll want to remember--for example, archiving and backups. Today we'll take a closer look at document archiving, why it's important, and how it differs from the more-familiar document backup. What is Archiving? Document archiving is a simple, painless way to improve organization, boost security, and [...]

Go Green with Document Scanning!

Are you worried about "going green" because you think it will be expensive, inefficient, or just plain frustrating? Worry no more--going green is easier than ever with a straightforward solution: document scanning. The Power of Scanning When it comes to green business solutions, you have a lot of options--but the truth is that they might not all work for your needs, your workflows, and your company's unique challenges. Remember, going green looks a little different [...]

Document Archiving: Three Steps to Success

Document archiving can be a powerful and efficient tool for your business, but not if you let it get out of hand. Here are three simple steps to help put document archiving to work for you! What is Document Archiving? In simple terms, document archiving is exactly what you'd expect: a solution designed to help you store files for long periods of time (rather than keeping them in the same place as your day-to-day files or, worse, leaving [...]

Document Scanning Basics

If you're just getting started with a new solution, things can start to feel overwhelming. After all, there's so much to learn, so much to implement, and so many benefits to watch for--how are you supposed to keep track of it all? Today, we're going to help make those first steps just a little bit easier when it comes to a particularly powerful solution: document scanning. Getting Started The good news about document scanning is that it's [...]

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