What's the Deal With Document Scanning?


Have you heard about document scanning, but aren't sure exactly what it means, what it does for your company, or how to get started? Worry no more--today we're going to tell you everything you need to know about document scanning!

The Basics

The first thing you need to know about document scanning is that it's simple. In most cases, there's no complicated learning-curve, no expensive hardware, and no tricky new tools to learn. Instead, you can probably use a machine you already have--like a multifunction printer--to get the job done quickly, efficiently, and without any stress.

The second thing you need to know about document scanning is that it can be your best friend if you're trying to save money, reduce paper, improve organization, streamline workflows, or go green. Amazingly, something as simple and pain-free as scanning can provide so many benefits--but that's the truth.

What You Need to Know

Here's everything you need to know about document scanning!

#1: Benefits

You can expect countless benefits from document scanning. First and foremost, it helps save money by reducing the amount of printing and copying you have to do; it also saves time by making organization, searching, sharing, and updating easier than ever. On top of that, it's a great first step toward a greener company!

#2: First steps

To get started with document scanning, it's smart to organize your paper into three groups: scan, store, and shred. Scanned files are those that you use most often, stored files are those you don't need to access but don't want to get rid of, and shred files are those you can securely destroy.

#3: Security

Some companies worry that scanning documents will make them less secure--but luckily, that's not the case. Scanning makes it possible to defend your files in brand-new ways, with tools like password protection, user access control, and firewalls.

Want to learn more about document scanning? Wondering where to start? Contact us today!