Sending personal information over the web can be tricky with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Though this system is good in the sense that it ensures the protection of personal information, many businesses are struggling to comply with these policies. Most companies do not realize that compliance is easier than one would think, so we have put together this list to help meet GDPR policies.
Document Encryption
DRM encryption is the most effective way to encrypt these sensitive documents. Here are the proper steps to protect documents:
- Create one or several documents that contain the confidential information you need to share.
- Select and right-click the documents that need securing, and select “Make Secure PDF” from the list. Then choose the controls you wish to put on the document, watermark it, publish the document.
- Choose how the document needs to be distributed (i.e., email, website, etc.).
- Login to your administrative system and add users that you wish to have access to the document(s).
- Send recipients the documents’ link to download the viewing app and their license.
Other GDPR Policies
Here is a list of steps to take to ensure that your document management process is within GDPR regulations:
- Place expiration dates on documents so they cannot be accessed after they expire.
- Set a number of views that a document can have before it will expire.
- Limit the number of times that a document can be printed.
- Tag locations on documents, so they are only used in the specified locations.
- Keep a log of document use to keep an eye on who has viewed or printed a document.
Peter Paul Office Equipment can further help your business with all of your document management needs. Contact us today to get started protecting your business!