There are many things to consider when purchasing a new printer. Your needs and business will direct what kind of machine you end up with. To help guide you in the process here are three things to know before your printer purchase.

1. What Projects You Will Be Printing

When you are looking for a new printer, there will be lots of options. To narrow down your choices, consider what type of documents you will be printing. If you want to create engaging brochures or company manuals, focus on finding a printer with finishing options. On the other hand, if you’re only printing text documents you can find a printer with less advanced options.

2. You Can Claim a Tax Deduction

Make sure to save your receipt after a printer purchase because there is a tax deduction for small businesses who buy new equipment. The deduction is called Section 170 and helps small business invest in themselves. You must make the purchase by December 31st and includes copiers and printers that are available to the general public.

3. Mobile Printing Capabilities.

As more people use cloud technology, the more they will be printing from devices other than a desktop computer. To keep up to date with current technology look for a printer that is wifi enabled and has mobile printing capabilities.

While choosing the right printer for your office is unique to your business, planning what you’re looking for ahead of time will help you secure the right machine. It’s better to spend more time on the planning process than to end up paying for extra functions you don’t need.

Call us today for more information on printers and other office equipment!